
All photography are copyrighted by Cassie Ho. Any questions and comments are welcome.

Friday, June 25, 2010

New thing? New fad?

 I am fairly new to the world of photography. There's still soo many terms like 'exposure', 'apperture' or 'shutter speeds' which made me go @_@

So, when I saw some HDR photos, I became @__@||||||||||||||||||||     

Because it is damm nice and I wanted to do something like that! But I do not know how??! Haha.. So I went and research and see how to do it.. which I came to conclusion that it is actually a technique of taking few shots of the same scene with different exposure (commonly - normal, under exposed and over exposed)  and then combine 3 of the shots together in photoshop/photometric/etc.. which have the function to do so. Then adjust the settings and VOILA! 3 shots became 1 BEAUTIFUL photo!

I wouldn't be able to post any HDR photos here right now as I did not try it out yet. The shots have to be at the same angle so when you combined them together you wouldn't get any ghostly or weird images.. Therefore, I need to get a right tripod or a right support for my camera before I try it..

Stay tune..

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